Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd

1,2,4;  1,3.
Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd
  O'r holl ogoniant mawr,
Trwy ganol nef y nefoedd,
  Ac yma ar y llawr;
Pan elo'r holl greadigaeth
  Yn ulw gan y tân,
Teilyngdod Iesu drosof
  Fydd fy nhragwyddol gân.

O f'enaid gwel addasrwydd,
  Y person dwyfol hwn,
Anturia' iddo'th fywyd,
  A bwrw arno'th bwn:
Mae'n ddyn i gydymdeimlo,
  A'th holl wendidau'i gyd,
Mae'n Dduw i fynu'r orsedd,
  Ar ddiafol, cnawd, a byd.

Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  I dd'od o'r cystudd mawr;
A'i werthfawr waed fe dalodd
  Eu dyled oll i lawr:
Nid oes dim damnedigaeth
  I neb o'r duwiol hâd;
Y gwaredigion canant
  Am rinwedd mawr ei waed.

Mae ynddo nerth diderfyn,
  Doethineb maith yn rhad,
Deng miliwn o rinweddau,
  A rhagor, yn y gwaed;
Mae ynddo bob rhyw angen
  Sydd ar bechadur gwan,
Tan filoedd o ammheuon,
  I godi ei ben i'r làn.
1-2: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
  3 : William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676D]: Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

  Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  Caned y genedl gyfiawn
  O am gael ffydd i edrych
  O Arglwydd Dduw rhagluniaeth
  O Ysbryd pur nefolaidd
  Rhyfeddol byth rhyfeddol

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
  Of all the great glory,
Through the centre of the heaven of heavens,
  And here on the earth;
When the whole creation goes
  To ashes by the fire,
The worthiness of Jesus for me
  Shall be my eternal song.

O my soul, see the suitability
  Of this divine Person,
Venture for him thy life,
  And cast upon him thy burden:
As man he is to sympathise,
  With all thy weaknesses altogether,
As God he is upon the throne,
  Over devil, flesh, and world.

He opened the door to the captives
  To come from the great affliction;
With his valuable blood he paid
  All their debt down:
There is no condemnation
  To any of the divine seed;
May the delivered sing
  About the great virtue of his blood.

In him is endless strength,
  Vast wisdom freely,
Ten million of virtues,
  And more, in the blood;
In his is every need
  Which is upon a weak sinner,
Under thousands of doubts,
  To lift up his head.
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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